21 Day Prayer & Fasting

We are on Day 20 of 21 Day of prayer and fasting. I thank everyone who faithfully walked the last 21 days in faith and obedience seeking and listening to God’s heart for you and for Life as ONE church. I hope you all experienced much deeper connection with God like never before and I would love an opportunity for us to share the unique things God has spoken to us.

This will be the last post to share and I want to end with an encounter Solomon had with God. “Ask what I shall give you.” Imagine how you will answer God. Imagine what would actually come to your mind as you hear God Himself speaking to you about the desires of your heart.

This is not an invitation that happens only once in our walk with God. Instead it’s one that never expires as long as we walk in faith and obedience to God our Father. Our answers though will change the course of our life and the depth of our understanding of all that God has for us.

Though we are concluding this round of 21 day of prayer and fasting, let us continuously pursue the heart of the Father! Let our answers to His question lead us to places where we will see the glory and majesty of God!


God, thank you for Your faithfulness and goodness we experienced in our 21 day journey. Thank you for teaching us the value of pursuing You over earthly things. I ask you that I would continuously grow in my desire for You all the days of my life.

Day 20

Here Jabez cries out to God for more influence. As God’s blessings increase in our lives, we experience greater opportunity to influence the world around us for Him. God has the power to bless us greatly, and He also has the power to open doors of opportunity to make a Kingdom difference here on earth.

As you have faithfully journeyed with God for the past 3 weeks, do you notice any open doors or new opportunity where you can share your testimony of His goodness and kindness? Has God reminded you some people He wants you to connect and speak life, hope and a future for them so that they can start living in all that God has for them?

We are called to reach out to the world. Let us boldly ask for our sphere of influence to be enlarged for His Kingdom.


God, make me effective in my sphere of influence, and open new doors for me to be able to reach those You highlight for me. Help me to be a good steward of the responsibility You’ve entrusted to me. I pray for greater influence to impact for Your glory!

Day 19

As Christ followers, God makes it clear that we are to take a stand against injustice and fight for those who do not have the ability to fight for themselves. Psalm 89:14 declares “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you.” When we see the statistics of injustices around us - human trafficking, poverty, homelessness, domestic abuse, and etc - we begin to feel helpless. How do we even begin to act justly when injustice seems to be taking over? Where do we start?

The best place that we can start is where many Biblical leaders before us have started. With prayer! Look to the examples of Moses, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther who turned first to God and pleaded for His guidance and intervention. They saw God change the attitudes of kings and rulers to move in ways that were beyond what they had imagined or expected. The rulers of their day who were once set against God had radical changes in the ways to end injustice and oppression.

There is an overwhelming amount of work to be done to solve the injustices in our world today. Start today on your knees asking God to give us His wisdom and discernment as we work to uphold justice in our spheres of influence. Trust Him that He will move the hearts of those with greater influence as well.


God, You care deeply for those that are suffering under injustice. Give me a fire to stand for those who are suffering all kinds of injustice. Show me how I can work to influence those around me, and move in my own community to show Your love and compassion. May Your Kingdom come even now!

Day 18

Before you read this blurb, I ask you to go back to the verses and read it again. You may need to read it more than once in order for you to fully receive all that God has for you.

God’s promises reveal not only what He does but ultimately they reveal who He is and what He is like. His nature and identity is the superior reality, the only reality we are to live from because it is eternal and it will never change.

From knowing His nature and identity, we then can face every challenge and difficulty with the expectancy for the great things. We may have desolate and ruined areas in our lives but receive hope in what God promised He would do.

My desolate and ruined areas today will be rebuilt, replanted, restored, renewed into for the sake of His holy name and it will become the place of the greatest intimacy and order the world has ever seen.


God, we trust who You are! We trust Your unchanging nature toward Your children! Let us walk in confidence of who You are and let us see the transformation You will do for Your name’s sake! The wasted, desolate and ruined areas in our lives will bow down to Your great and mighty name today!

Day 17

In such a time as this, God wants us to humble ourselves; pray and seek Him and His ways; and live the life of holiness and righteousness. Then God promises to hear us; forgive us; and heal our land as He pours out His favor and blessing upon us.

In 1861, Abraham Lincoln had just been elected President. The nation was on the brink of war. There was cruel slavery in the land. The President faced widespread opposition and hostility. Then he issued a proclamation.

“Whereas a joint committee of both houses of Congress has waited on the President of the United States and requested him to recommend a day of public humiliation, prayer and fasting to be observed by the people of the United States with religious solemnities, and the offering of fervent supplications to Almighty God for the safety and welfare of these states, his blessing on their arms, and a speedy restoration of peace.

And whereas it is fit and becoming in all people at all times to acknowledge and revere the supreme government of God, to bow in humble submission to his chastisement, to confess and deplore their sins and transgression, in the full conviction that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and to pray with all fervency and contrition for the pardon of their offenses and for a blessing upon their present and prospective action.

Therefore I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do appoint the last Thursday in September next as a day of humiliation, prayer and fasting, for all the people of the nation. And I do earnestly recommend to all the people, and especially to all ministers and teachers of religion of all denominations, and to all heads of families, to observe and keep that day, according to their several creeds and modes of worship, in all humility, and with all religious solemnity, to the end that the united prayer of the nation may ascend to the Throne of Grace, and bring down plentiful blessings upon our country.”


Father God, teach me to walk in radical humility, holiness and boldness today! Let the Spirit of Revival start with me first! Then from that place, we want to see the supernatural healing and restoration over our family, our neighborhood, our city!

Day 16

Ephesians 4:15-16 talks about growth and maturity of individual believers into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ. But it happens in the context of a community, a body of Christ Jesus.

We are joined and held together by Jesus and what He has accomplished in His death and resurrection. We are being supported in ways we don’t even realize sometimes. We are always growing and being built up in love under Christ. We learn about accountability and unity in the works we are called for and we celebrate the fruits together.

As we enter the last week of our prayer and fasting, my prayer for all of us is that we have encountered God in fresh and deeper ways. I pray that we will continue to grow and mature in Him to do the great works He has called us to do in the seasons to come.


God, show me how I can encourage and build up others in love today. Let me grow and mature with others in this season for the purpose You have ordained for me.

Day 15

When Mary and Joseph brought the child Jesus to the temple, Simeon blessed Jesus and the Scripture says Mary and Joseph marveled at what was said about Jesus.

Then there was the prophetess Anna. She immediately recognized the baby who was the Messiah and came to him, giving thanks. This was possible because she lived a life of worship. She chose to stay longer and worship God. Even though nothing seemed to change in that moment, she sensed in the spirit that God has already started something that would change the history of their lives. It filled her heart with thanksgiving and she took time to express that to the Lord in worship.

Worship gives us access to the things to come. It equips us with discernment to know something in the spiritual realm before it happens in the earthly realm. It leads us to our knees in praise and worship because it is already done in heaven and the earth will receive it in His perfect timing.

The question I want to ask you is “What are you sensing in the spirit? What are the things does God call you to give thanks for?”


God, I worship you and give thanks to you for EVERYTHING You have already established in Your Kingdom. My prayer is “Let Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!”

Day 13

Jesus’ disciples were mere fishermen. We know that, in the world’s eyes, they were not skilled or qualified enough to do any work Jesus had for them. Yet Jesus saw God’s original plans and purpose for them and invited them to the journey so they themselves could discover who they were created to be.

Jesus did not recruit them for the work ahead like we often do in the world. We recruit and hire people for the work. But it was never Jesus’ method because He never “uses” us for the work. Instead He discovers the hidden purpose in each of us so that we would start living in the alignment with Him.

Today Jesus is inviting us to discover something new. Can you hear His voice that says, “Follow me, and I will make you become _________________ .”


Thank you Jesus that You never use me but You discover the things that God has placed in me from the beginning of the time. I hear Your invitation to follow You and my answer is “Yes and Amen!” I choose to live in the fullness of who God has created me to be and do in this world.

Day 12

“A swirl of activity” sounds so familiar to us. Our day is filled with so many things - personal and family schedules, assignments and deadlines from work, different groups and social events and so on.

And to make things worse, we have non-stop 24-7 access to the world of information and entertainment in the palm of our hands. Remember what it was like without the internet, computers and smartphones? My kids used to ask me “How did you live your life without all those things?”

Jesus knew how important rest was from all the good and great things that were happening around him. The ministry to all the people who came to Jesus was a good thing. The reports and testimonies from His disciples after their mission were great things. Yet Jesus emphasized the important thing - Rest in the presence of God and one another.

Today find a time and place where you can set aside everything that tries to get your attention. Then simply sit with Jesus and allow His Spirit and His presence lead you into the level of rest He desires to give you.


God, I put aside good and great things in my day today. I desire the most important thing which is the perfect rest in who You are. Teach me the value of the Kingdom rest. Recalibrate my spirit, soul and body in Your presence today!

Day 11

Jesus modeled a lifestyle of walking with a community. He shared His life with twelve disciples and then taught them to share it with others. The early believers gathered together to break bread and sharing the living Word. That is the life Jesus called us - together as His body that moves in strength and courage through faith and worship.

I always believe that Jesus called us to be more than relationally connected. We must be spiritually connected and committed to one another - to continuously being knit together in love to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery.

I pray that as we pray together, though we’re praying from different places, we are being knit together in the Spirit to know the mysteries of God.


Lead me into deeper communion and fellowship with You and with my Life as ONE church community. Begin with my own family to teach me to bold to lead in worship and prayer, to bring the greatest glory to You, the perfect Father with unconditional and unending love, forever and ever.

Day 10

Someone asked me recently why I am praying and fasting. The person was interested to know the outcome I am looking for from praying and fasting. It was a great question and maybe you may have had someone asking you the same question.

As we seek God’s heart for us together, we do have a holy expectancy for new and greater things that will put the world to shame. But more than anything, what we desire at the end of our corporate prayer and fasting is the fresh understanding and revelation of who God is and how amazing He is. And that is only possible when we value His presence over His answers.

When we try to figure things out on our own, as the verses say, it feels like wearisome tasks that will ultimately lead us into depression or hopelessness. But when you step into His presence, wisdom naturally comes. It opens your eyes and mind and equips with the mind of Christ and all that He has made available for us.

And that was my answer to the question - that I’m not looking for answers for issues I face but I desire to see us to walk in the greater intimacy with God.


God, we desire Your presence over any answers or solutions for our issues. Let us learn to value Your presence above all other things. Teach us the joy and beauty of pursuing Your presence and use us to release Your presence to those around us.

Day 9

We just finished the first week of prayer and fasting and I pray that all of you had a greater revelation of the things God desires to reveal to you personally in this season. I also want to say thank you for partnering with us as we continue to seek His heart and plan for our church.

As we enter into the second week of prayer and fasting, I ask you to specifically dedicate this week to pray and intercede for all that God has for Life as ONE church for the coming seasons. As Psalm 73 writes, His counsel and guidance will lead us into His glory being displayed through us.

This fits with what God has released over us early this year - We are to display the splendor of God and we’re being prepared for it now.

  • Keep the leadership and our church family in prayer.

  • Ask God the things He has for us in the coming seasons.

  • Share with us the revelations God is downloading to you so that we can unite with you in prayer.

  • Come join our prayer time on Wednesday 7pm to be united in prayer as we seek His heart and His plans for us.


God, thank you for your perfect leadership in my life and especially for Life as ONE church. You are our perfect Shepherd and Guide. You know exactly where You are taking Life as ONE church in the next decade. We trust and declare Jeremiah 29:11 over Life as ONE church and ask You to reveal the plans and purpose in Your heart to us!

Day 8

Your testimony is the most powerful thing you have. It is the single most potent weapon against the lies of the enemy, whether he’s bringing up shame from the past or pain from the present.

It has the ability to empower everyone who listens with strength. Because when people hear one story of hope, they have faith for their own. What if you could give exactly what people need to hear in order for them to walk in strength, hope and joy again?

Also pay attention to new testimonies that God is writing for your life. God never stops adding testimonies of His goodness and power and with our testimonies, we declare victory over the battles we are facing right now!

May you declare the testimony of the glorious victory of Jesus Christ over the battles you’ve been fighting!


Lord, we will not be silent but we will raise our voice declaring the testimony of who You are in our life! Lead us to those who need to hear our testimonies. Let our testimony destroy strongholds and see His name be glorified!

Day 6

The people of Israel were in pain. Jerusalem had been destroyed, and people had been carried into exile. The prophet Jeremiah entreated God’s people to settle down, to build houses, to form families, and to seek the welfare of Babylon. Their deliverance was coming, but not for another seventy years.

But the Lord had not forgotten His covenant people. He had a plan for their welfare and destiny. They were to keep up their courage, and hope in the Lord.

We may go through dark and trying times, but we are never to lose hope. The Lord has a plan for our destiny, and will bring it to pass in His perfect time. Let us trust in Him and wait for the fulfillment of His promises.


God, our hope is in You. You are the source of our strength and our comfort. You are the one who sustains us in times of trouble. You are our hope and our salvation. We praise You for Your faithfulness and love. Continue to guide us!

Day 5

Lord Jesus, open our eyes and lead us with your light and truth!

As we continue our walk with Holy Spirit in our faith and obedience, I believe we’re coming together as ONE praying that God would lead us, open our spiritual eyes, and give us the moving power of His Spirit in fresh and awakening ways.

Ephesians 1:17 talks about the riches of the Spirit of wisdom and revelation. Only Holy Spirit can reveal the depth of God’s heart for us which is wisdom over all things as Psalm 43:3 writes “Send out your light and your truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling!” Only His light and truth can bring us to where He is and to know Him in greater measures of intimacy. His wisdom and revelation is what we need as we move forward in life - nothing else.


Lord, open my eyes to see You more clearly and my ears to hear anything You desire to speak. I pray for a Spirit of wisdom and revelation that I might know You more deeply and have a deep understanding of the hope that is in Your heart for me, my surroundings, and for Life as ONE church.

Day 4

What do you want most? What is your “one thing” as you draw near to God every moment? Our choice in this season is absolutely important because we have so many options to choose from. But when we choose God over everything else, when we make God “the only thing” we seek after, that choice will be honored in heaven. God is eager to respond with the lavish outpouring of His presence to a people whose hearts are wholly His.

May we be a people who put the pursuit of His presence above all else. May beholding His glory be the only desire of our lives and may we be captivated by the glory and goodness of God as He comes in a way we have never experienced before!


God, I want You to be my “one and only” desire today and all the days of my life. May I taste and see that You are absolutely good and perfect in every possible way even when I don’t fully understand Your ways. Manifest Your power and glory in ways I haven’t seen before as I am being rooted and grounded in You, !

Day 3

David knew he has fallen into sins - Ps 51:3 “I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me.” But he came boldly before God to ask for forgiveness and cleansing of his heart according to God’s love and mercy.

His prayer in Psalm 51:10-12 teaches us that we must depend on God’s love, grace and mercy not just for forgiveness but for the newness in His transforming grace.

As you spend time with God today, ask Him to not only forgive you of the things you’ve done but also to renew you with the desire for holiness.


God, renew my heart to You today. Create in me a heart that desires to please You in every thought, word, and action. Give me an increased desire for Your holiness that I may walk in a greater awareness of who You are.

Day 2

As we start this 21 day seeking God's heart, take a moment to invite Holy Spirit to come upon you and prepare your heart for a deeper encounter with God. Pray and ask that every step we take to pursue God, know Him more intimately, and be obedient to Him would transform us in ways that glorifies Him.

Every day we will send a scripture for you to meditate on and pray from. Take time to listen to the things Holy Spirit highlights for you and partner with Him in action to make adjustments from the lesson.

Today's scripture is Daniel Chapter 10. We pray that you would have a fresh encounter with Holy Spirit as you hear His heart from it.

We also encourage you to journal the things you hear from Holy Spirit in your prayer - for yourself and your family, your sphere of influence, and of course Life as ONE ministry.

Let us press in together for the promises God has for us!

Day 1