Women’s Breakfast
Women’s breakfast is a great way to connect with other women of God through sharing faith journey, encouragement, and fellowship to grow in faith together.
This round of Women’s breakfast will be at the church at 9:30am!

Pre-Service Intercessory Prayer
Before every Sunday service at 9:45am, we come together to hear God’s voice and declare God’s heart for the service and His people. We highly encourage everyone to come and join this Spirit-filled time of prayer!

Sunday Service
Our Sunday service is a powerful time of worship & prayer in the manifest presence of Jesus and life transforming teachings, activation & fellowship. After worship, our children meet separately to learn about Jesus and grow through relationships.
Also stay after service for lunch and have fellowship with one another!

Children’s Ministry
We value sowing into the next generations and serve the families who join Life as ONE family. After worship, our children have their own time of learning about Jesus and grow relationally.

Christmas Journal Journey
A Journal Journey Away from Worry and Fear offers a fresh way to connect with God and hear His voice to combat fear and worry in your life. This guided reflection experience follows the path laid out by a short story and related journaling prompts inspired by scripture. Throughout the experience you will have time and space to reflect, listen, write, and pray, allowing you to connect with God's heart of love for you.
No journaling experience is necessary -- just come with a pen, paper, and an open heart!
Participants should plan to bring paper or a journal and writing utensils for the journaling experience.
For more information about Barbara Chua and her writing, visit www.barbarachua.com.

Creative Space
We will be hosting a Creative Space at church on the first Saturday of each month from 9:30 - 4:00. The goal is to provide a Spirit-filled time & space for us to pursue our creative projects, as well as to grow into a community for support & encouragement with one another.
We will start with worship & prayer to lead us into an extended Quiet Time for personal work. We will take a 30 minute lunch break at noon. You are welcome to come for all or part of the time.
Everyone is welcome, whether you are currently working on a project or just starting to think about one. Feel free to invite others. Please let us know if you can come.

Easter Sunday
He is risen! He is risen indeed!
Join us this Easter as we come together to celebrate the incredible resurrection of Christ Jesus and reflect on how this powerful truth transforms everything in our lives—impacting our past, shaping our present, and guiding us toward a hopeful future that lasts into eternity! We genuinely hope to see you there!

Water Baptism
Baptism is a powerful testimony of how God has changed your life! This significant moment recognizes Jesus' great work in our salvation, forgiveness, freedom and new life!
If you would want to get baptized or rededicate your life to Christ on Easter Sunday (April 20), please speak with the pastors. We look forward to celebrating this step of faith with you!

Ekklesia Excelerator Meeting
When Jesus said to Peter in Matthew 16 “I will build my church (Ekklesia) and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.”, Jesus had much different idea and plans for His church than what we often see in our world. If you ever asked yourself “There must be more to Christian life than this!”, this is a perfect place to discover what God has called you to be!
This is a discussion meeting for those who have registered. If you are interested to take the course in the future, please talk to Pastor JP.

Thursday Bible Study
Join Bible Study weekly on Thursday evening at 7pm at church.
It is a time of going deep into the Scriptures, sharing and discussing of what Holy Spirit reveals to us and growing together in faith!
We will be starting on one of the most familiar passages - Psalm 23 which we believe will bless you. Come grow with us!

Wednesday Prayer Gathering
Every Wednesday at 7pm, we will seek God's heart together and pray/declare His perfect will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Meet us at church!

Christmas Party & White Elephant Gift Exchange
We love Christmas party & White Elephant Gift Exchange! For the gift exchange, we ask you to bring an item(s) that you no longer want or need in your home. Gift-wrapped them and place it under the Christmas tree this Sunday. We will have a great time together!

Thanksgiving Special Offering
For all that God has done in 2024, we ask you to pray and ask Holy Spirit what you can sow into the ministry of Life as ONE. This will be over and above our regular tithes and offerings.

Thanksgiving Testimony Sunday
This Sunday, we will have time to share our testimony from this year as we celebrate God's goodness and faithfulness! We encourage you to pray about what God wants you to share.

Men’s Gathering
Do you want to grow in meaningful fellowship and deepen your faith alongside other men at Life as ONE? We welcome you to join us as we seek to support one another in our spiritual journeys.
We will gather at Top Golf in Ontario for an enjoyable time filled with fellowship and laughter! Please let us know if you would like to join us for this exciting outing.

Shifting the Narrative: A Biblical Equity Symposium
A biblical equity symposium is a one day event where we tackle the topic of equity through the lens of the Bible. The symposium's uniqueness lies in its emphasis on love, the application of biblical principles and the value of all humans. We engage in meaningful conversations, gain biblical understandings and become inspired to take action towards promoting biblical equity in a way that honors God.

Yard Sale
As a part of this year's focus to "Go", we want to go extra miles to meet the felt needs of San Antonio High School - giving financial and relational support they need. We're in discussion with the principals regarding the details but for now, let us pray for them that the tangible presence of Jesus Christ would be among teachers, staff and students.
In the meantime, please go through the things you have at your house and start sort out items you want to donate for this event. We will share more details in coming weeks.

Summer Break
There will be no Sunday gathering on July 7 as we will take one Sunday break. We encourage you to spend time and celebrate your family and friends. Sunday service will resume on the following Sunday July 14 at 10:30am with the pre-service intercession time at 9:45am.

Anniversary Special Offering
We ask you to pray for a anniversary special offering as your thanksgiving to what God has done in your life through Life as ONE ministry. Ask Holy Spirit how you can bless Life as ONE financially so that the work of His Kingdom would continue to advance!
Click the button below and choose the option of “Special Offering”.

11th Anniversary Sunday
Come and celebrate with us as we turn 11 on April 7, 2024! God has done above and beyond of what we hoped for and imagined in our lives individually and corporately as a church family and we will honor and celebrate who He is in us!

Hearing the Voice of God Class
From the very beginning, we see throughout the scriptures the beauty of God communicating with His creation. It is the most intimate thing you can do with God because out of His heart, we get to know and partner with all that He desires for us.
From Sunday April 16th, we will have 4 week mini class after service on “Hearing the Voice of God” and you are welcome to join. It will be an interactive time to learn and practice together. Talk to Pastor JP if you are interested.