Update on Mask Requirement

First of all, we deeply appreciate everyone who have honored the mask requirements we had for our church family. We know it was not convenient but we did it as an expression of our love for others protecting especially those who are more vulnerable to the virus.

After much prayer, we have decided to make wearing masks during our service optional. Starting Sunday May 29, 2022, you can choose to either keep the mask on during the service as we have been or worship without it.

However, if you have any Covid symptoms or if you are sick, we strongly ask you to stay home and join the service online. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us!

Sunday Protocols

1. We will have both in-person AND Zoom service! For those who are far away or not yet comfortable with in-person gatherings, you can participate in full worship experience through Zoom. Click the button below or use Meeting ID: 841 8835 3220 / Passcode: ONE. We ask you to turn your camera on during the service so that the speakers can see you and connect with you!

2. We have a new setup with small tables for those who will come to church so that you would be able to connect with others in small groups. For those who will join via Zoom, we will do break-out discussions just as we would do onsite. It's going to be great!

3. We plan to have a full worship experience including singing.

4. Masks will be optional during the service. You can choose to either keep your mask on as we have done or worship without it.

5. We do not serve lunches at this point but light snacks, coffee and water bottles. Instead, we highly encourage everyone to have fellowship after service at nearby coffee shops or restaurants. This way we also help the city, small businesses and workers!

6. We ask everyone to help clean the church after service with sanitizing wipes and other cleaning products in order to keep the church a safe place!

7. We strongly encourage you that if you're sick or do not feel good, we ask you to join us via Zoom from your home! We will not monitor you or take your temperature. We will however take attendance which we have always done.

8. Please use only the designated parking spots behind Morgan Stanley building as shown on the picture below; not in front of the church unless you have a handicap permit and strictly not on the residential streets near the church. We want to honor and respect our neighbor businesses and neighbors around the block. Also do not park in the 3 designated spots for EV automobiles as well. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

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